This is an outdated version published on 2020-12-16. Read the most recent version.

Movement and nutrition in COVID-19


  • Klaus W. Lange
  • Yukiko Nakamura



Movement and nutrition appear to play important roles in the management of the novel coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19). Moderate physical exercise has a positive impact on immune function, can counteract age-associated
immune deficiency and is capable of reducing the incidence of respiratory diseases. Exercise can also mitigate the
negative effects of home confinement due to quarantine and of other preventive measures, which may lead to an
increase in sedentary behaviours and a reduction in physical activity. Regular physical exercise may have benefits in
regard to infection risk, mental problems, such as anxiety and depression, and maintenance of body weight as well as
the prevention and management of chronic disease. Since evidence evaluating dietary supplementation in COVID-19 is
lacking, a reliance on supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19 would be premature. A balanced diet containing
sufficient amounts of macronutrients and diverse micronutrients is required for an optimally functioning immune
system. High-energy diets and obesity are major risk factors for a more severe course of COVID-19. Population-wide
body weight control is therefore an important preventive measure. Other lifestyle-related factors, such as reducing
smoking rates and limiting alcohol intake, are also important in decreasing disruptive effects on immune functioning
and improving ability to overcome infection.



2020-12-16 — Updated on 2020-12-16



